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How to be Productive & Happy Despite Overwhelm

When someone is feeling overwhelmed, this is their bodies communicating to them that something is out of alignment. This is not a problem in and of itself.  It is a sign of healthy inner communication.  It is similar to how running a small fever is not a problem, but actually a sign that the immune system is working. 

The problem is when we do not listen to this communication and try to use our "will power" to grind through. Productivity and happiness is not decreased because of overwhelm; your resistance to relaxing makes you ineffective, inefficient and unhappy.

Being dynamic means being able to adapt, and the ability to adjust defines the ability to be productive and happy. When you feel overwhelmed, it is a direct signal to offer yourself a mental/emotional/physical reset. Overwhelm is too many inputs that are out of alignment to your core desires (love, joy, expression, etc.) and not enough outputs of release (creative energy, sexual energy,...

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Overcoming Personal Resistance for Growth

There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask, "What if I fall?"
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?
 - Erin Hanson


Is there something you could do today or even thirty days from now that would radically change your life, but you find yourself frozen in place? Have you ever known a friend or family member who cannot get out of a rut? Every day, we live within our bubbles of comfort, and while that may be fine, we can also see others living our dream lives. You probably fantasize or even plan out how you are going to do or get those same things, but years later, you find yourself in the same spot: daydreaming and planning but not taking any actual steps.

Have you ever repotted a plant? It usually happens after the plant has outgrown its environment. Indoor plant lovers, gardeners, and farmers alike are often moving their blooms around to keep them healthy. While it would technically be easier just to let crops stay in their current fields, the fields...

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3 Tips for Taming a Distracted Mind

The wandering mind has always been thought of as something that puts a person out of focus. In truth, this isn’t always true. Some people could attest that daydreaming has helped them achieve a silent mind. They reach a point where they dream of silence, and they do get to achieve is the focus they desire. 

What Our Reality Looks Like

When was the last time you paused and wondered about life in general? Perhaps you don’t have a memory of ever doing this because your busy schedule has never allowed you to wonder and wander at all. 

Apart from your responsibilities, there is a whole range of things that can distract you from taking that moment to pause and reflect. You jump from one social media site to another, trying to keep track of the most important news for the day. 

You spend most of your time reading and responding to messages, and a dozen browser tabs waiting for your attention. And just like that, another day has passed and once again, you had put...

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How to Develop Your Intuition THIS WEEKEND

If there was any phrase uttered more often in 2019 than any other, it was 'trust your intuition!'  

Having just ushered in the year 2020, we have, in our grasp, a fresh opportunity to develop our 2020 vision, learning to see beyond the obvious, the surface, and the mundane into the deeper truths of our lives.

To benefit from your intuition, you need not hire or become a psychic medium or intuitive healer. We all possess the innate ability to exercise intuition. So, before we reveal how to develop your intuition right away, let's be clear on what intuition is and what it isn't:

How do I know if it's my Intuition Speaking?

To navigate gracefully through life equipped with the power of your intuition, you must first learn to recognize it. Before you know it, your clairvoyant abilities reveal themselves.

Francis P. Cholle, writing for, shares, "Intuition is a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging...

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10 Signs You are Enacting Unhealthy Empathic Tendencies

Experts in our culture are finally identifying the challenges and gifts that come with being an empath. In the fields of psychology and spiritual practice, leaders are speaking and writing about the reality of the empath as it becomes clear how it can overlap with codependency.


Are You an Empath?

Being an empath is defined by an individual who is more highly sensitive than the average person. An empath feels the world more deeply and can absorb the emotions and energy of others- even without it being their intention. For an empath, boundaries can be an issue, and there must be an emphasis on developing methods to center and protect the personal energy field. Beyond simply being able to feel the emotions of others, empaths are also highly intuitive. Empathic individuals will sense what is below the visible surface of expression. These combined qualities will make it difficult for an empath to be in crowded public places. It will also mean that empaths typically need a healthy...

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Spirit Science 11_11 ~ Dna Activation

In this episode, we explore DNA Activation and the amazing shift we are undergoing as a collective consciousness. Our DNA is changing constantly, it is something that is happening actively, not passively. In another way of looking at it, it means you must participate in your own ascension – it won’t just happen to you, but through you!

If you are simply waiting for a large shift to happen within you, without doing anything to raise your awareness, the jump in consciousness isn’t going to very profound.

If we continue to eat unhealthy foods, absorb low-vibing-TV and take actions out of anger and fear, the process of our DNA shifting will take much longer. We need to treat our bodies with the utmost respect, for even in many scriptures it describes “Your body is a sacred temple”.

The double helix is only the very surface of our DNA sequence. Modern science is only beginning to scratch the surface of how intricate our DNA really is, and goes much deeper...

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Spirit Science 15 ~ Power of the Heart

The power of the heart is an incredibly important and sacred topic. It is one of the most important aspects of spirituality across the board, as it acts as a sort of gateway into higher dimensions both within and outside of ourselves.

In the past, the heart has typically been regarded as not as important as the brain, for it doesn’t “think” or allow us to understand the world in the way the brain does.

In truth, the heart has an incredibly powerful energy field and is filled with its own set of firing “neurons” which help it act as a different kind of brain in and of itself, one more connected with our basic psychological processes. If the heart is calm and steady, the mind is calm and steady.

For a great deal of time, it has been misunderstood or simply disregarded among the scientific community, but has slowly been gaining more traction with the advent of the Institute of Heartmath, who has pioneered a great deal of research in this field.


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Patch Parables ~ The Parable of the Sandcastles

The parable of the sandcastles is the first episode in the Patch Parables series. This animated series explores different ancient parables and short stories to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.

This episode starts with a few children playing by a river. Each child is making their own sandcastles in which they all defend from each other. They were all made perfectly, making sure everyone knew who’s was who’s. Once they were built and complete, one of the children walked over to another sandcastle and kicked it over, destroying it to the ground.

The owner of the castle flew into a rage, attacking the child who kicked his castle to the ground. The child whose castle was ruined called out to the other children, telling them his castle has been spoiled.

They all ganged up to attack the poor child, beating him with sticks and stomping on him repeatedly. Then they continued as they had been previously doing. They told each other to keep away from their castle, it’s...

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Patch Parables ~ The Parable of Good or Bad

Who knows what’s good or bad? This parable explores this contrast of ideas and perspectives. There is an old story of a Chinese farmer who accidentally left his gate open, and his horse ran off. His foolish neighbor came over to console the wise farmer, who simply replied with “Who knows what’s good or bad?”

The next day, the horse returned with a large band of other horses following her. The neighbor came over to congratulate him on his good fortune. The wise farmer just replied, “Who knows what’s good or bad?”

Then, the wise farmer’s son broke one of his legs trying to ride one of the new horses. The foolish neighbor visited them to console him again, with which the wise farmer once again replied with “Who knows what’s good or bad?”

When the army then passed through, looking for more people to add to their army, they passed over the son because of his broken leg. The neighbor came to congratulate him on being...

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Patch Parables ~ The Parable of the 84th Problem

A man once visited the Buddha, looking for him to help solve his problems. He started to describe his different problems. After he asked for help on one of his issues, the Buddha said that he could not help with that problem.

The man was surprised that the Buddha could not help him, but carried on and asked for help with another problem. The Buddha replied again, saying he could not help him solve that issue either.

The man got impatient. He asked how it was possible that the Buddha is the most perfect, enlightened man, but he can’t even help others solve their problems? The Buddha said one will always have 83 problems in their life. Some will leave, and others will come up and he cannot help anyone with that.

The baffled man then asked, “What can you help me with then?” The Buddha said he could help him with his 84th problem. The man asked what that was, to which the Buddha replied with “That you want to solve your other 83 problems.”

This parable...

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